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South Shore
Christian AcademyFor Christ. For Others.

Arts » Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Here at SSCA, our art programs are intertwined with faith as students create for His kingdom and believe in God’s call for beauty and truth. Through drawings, paintings, and other visual arts, our students are enabled to express emotion, intuition, and become independent thinkers who experience a deepened faith through the arts.
Within the Lower School, students participate in art classes as part of their weekly schedule. Upper School  students continue in the visual arts and are required to take art in Grades 9-10. In these classes, they will learn the foundations of drawing, painting, printmaking, and simple sculpture. For Grades 11-12, Advanced Art I and II classes are offered and are optional for students. These courses build on what was learned in previous classes and concentrate on refining art skills and creating longer term projects.
During Arts Block, a period of the day set aside for the Arts, students in Grades 6-8 may take creative exploration and/or sculpture. High School students may take graphic design, installation art, and/or 3D modeling & printing.
Questions Art Upper School
Questions Art Lower School