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South Shore
Christian AcademyFor Christ. For Others.

Parent Ambassador Team

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -Romans 15: 5-6
Parent Ambassadors of SSCA

Our mission is to be a support ministry and a community outreach for the South Shore Christian Academy Community. As a team, we strive to build close connections between administration, faculty/staff, parents, and students. We also organize special projects, unique experiences, and provide our faculty with materials that they may need throughout the academic year. We invite you to serve in any way that you can, including through prayer!

If you would like to serve, please email us, the Parent Ambassador Team, at [email protected].

Working in concert with the school, the Parent Ambassador Team (PAT) seeks to foster a warm, welcoming and inclusive community for all of South Shore Christian Academy’s families. As an SSCA parent/guardian, you are a member of PAT and invited to meetings as well as a wide variety of events, both social and educational. If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to learn more about the SSCA Parent Ambassador Team!

We value harnessing the ideas, passion, and talents of parents in our school community and welcome you to contact us to discuss how you might be involved in a way you find meaningful. 

For some parents, that means volunteering their time. For others, it simply means staying in touch and knowing what is happening on campus. Contribute on a short-term or long-term basis (during the day, evening, or weekend) from home or from school. We encourage you to stay informed via our Facebook page ( If you would like to learn more, please contact us at [email protected].

We look forward to connecting with you!
Parent Ambassador Team Members (2024-25)
President: Jenn Rogers
Vice President: Jonalis Carrasquillo-Young
Secretary: Michelle Sawtelle
Treasurer: Chrissy Tullish
Fundraising Chair: Allison McNamara
Event Coordinators: Rebecca Metri & Kizzy Owens
Marketing and Social Media Coordinator: Karen Kubalko